Aztec Fluids & Machinery Ltd IPO

Aztec Fluids & Machinery Ltd to issue 36L shares worth ₹24.12Cr for Jet Inks Pvt acquisition, repaying borrowings & corporate objectives.

Important Details

Open Date : May 10, 2024 Close Date : May 14, 2024 Allotment Date: May 15, 2024 Listing Date: May 17, 2024

Important Details

IPO Price: INR 63-67 per share Lot Size: 2000 shares Total Issue Size: INR 24.12 cr

Fundamental Analysis

Aztec Fluids & Machinery Ltd shows mixed performance 1. Steady revenue growth over 3 years. 2. Profit fluctuated. 3. Improved Equity, assets, & liabilities. 4. Debt-equity ratio declined & stable Current ratio.

Peer Comparison

Aztec Fluids & Machinery Ltd 1. Stable financial indicators. 2. Moderate diluted EPS. 3. Healthy return on equity. 4. Steady NAV per Equity Share.


Aztec Fluids & Machinery Ltd main objective: 1. Secure funds for Jet Inks Private Ltd equity shares. 2. Repay a portion of existing borrowings.

Risks And Challenges

Aztec Fluids & Machinery Ltd risks: 1. Legal proceedings impacting net worth and profitability. 2. Exclusive distributorship with Lead Tech. 3. Manufacturing agreement with Fluidtech crucial for operations.