LTP In Stock Market

LTP (Last Traded Price) is the most recent price at which a stock was traded, reflecting real-time market valuation and current supply-demand dynamics.

How Is Last Traded Price Calculated?

LTP is recorded, not calculated. It’s the price of the most recent trade, updated continuously with each new transaction during a trading session.

Last Traded Price Vs Closing Price


The last Traded Price LTP is the most recent trade price during market hours, while the Closing Price is the final price at which a stock settles at the end of the trading day.

Last Traded Price Vs Closing Price


The last Traded Price is updated throughout the trading session, whereas the Closing Price is set at the end of the trading day.

Last Traded Price Vs Closing Price


LTP reflects real-time market activity and current value, while the Closing Price represents the stock’s value at the end of the day for historical data and analysis.

Last Traded Price Vs Closing Price


The last Traded Price is used for real-time trading decisions, whereas the Closing Price is used for performance analysis, reporting, and setting the next day's opening price.

Last Traded Price Vs Closing Price


The last Traded Price can change rapidly with market activity, while the Closing Price remains constant until the next trading day.

Last Traded Price Vs Closing Price

Reference Point

LTP is important for intraday trading and immediate transactions, whereas the Closing Price is crucial for evaluating daily performance and longer-term trends.