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BSE Celebrates 1st Anniversary of Sensex Relaunch, Marking Today As Sensex Day!

BSE celebrates 1st anniversary of the Sensex relaunch. Today is a special day at BSE as they celebrate “Sensex Day” Initially modest, now remarkable with 400 brokers, 6 lakh UCCs, and significant turnover. Sensex marks this milestone, thanking stakeholders for their support.
BSE Celebrates 1st Anniversary of Sensex Relaunch, Marking Today As Sensex Day!
BSE Celebrates 1st Anniversary of Sensex Relaunch, Marking Today As Sensex Day!

BSE’s decision to relaunch Sensex derivatives was motivated by its ambition to increase derivative trading at the country’s premier exchange. Initially met with modest participation, the journey has been nothing short of extraordinary. What started with just 38 clients trading on the inaugural day has rapidly expanded, with now 400 brokers actively participating and approximately 6 lakh Unique Client Codes (UCCs) engaged in the market.

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The relaunch had received widespread acclaim, evident in the enthusiastic response from market participants. Nearly 100 members participated in trading on the relaunch day, resulting in a total turnover of Rs 53.12 crores and an open interest of 252 lots. The changes implemented have unlocked numerous additional trading opportunities and strategies, further enhancing the trading experience. 

Over the past year, the Sensex derivatives market has witnessed many new participants, including 80 Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs) and High-Frequency Trading (HFT) firms, highlighting the market’s appeal to diverse trading entities.

Looking back at the remarkable growth, BSE expresses gratitude to all stakeholders for their unwavering support and cooperation. In celebration of this milestone, BSE is set to observe “Sensex Day” today, honoring the journey of India’s benchmark index.

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