Difference Between Fundamental Analysis And Technical Analysis
The main difference between fundamental and technical analysis is that Fundamental analysis considers factors such as financial statements, management …
Difference Between Stocks And Bonds
The main difference between stocks and bonds is that stocks represent ownership in a company, making investors partial owners …
what is prmary market
The primary market is where securities are created and first sold to investors. It’s a marketplace where companies, governments, …
Value Investing
Does Value Investing mean knowing the true potential of the Stock? Value investing is an investment strategy where you …
Difference Between Primary and Secondary Market
The main difference is that the primary market introduces new securities to the public, while the secondary market allows …
Secondary Market
The secondary market is the platform where investors engage in the buying and selling of securities. The transactions occur …
Financial Instruments
Cash, deposits, stocks, bonds, derivatives, debentures, currencies, and commodities are a few examples of financial instruments. For a beginner, …
Debentures Meaning
A debenture refers to a financial instrument used by companies for borrowing funds from investors over a medium to …