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Difference Between Fundamental Analysis And Technical Analysis

5 min read

Difference Between Fundamental Analysis And Technical Analysis

The main difference between fundamental and technical analysis is that Fundamental analysis considers factors such as financial statements, management quality, competitive position, industry trends, and macroeconomic indicators. On the other hand, technical analysis focuses solely on price and volume indicators, such as charts and moving averages. 


What Is Fundamental Analysis?

Fundamental analysis is a way to determine the real value of a company’s stock. In other words, fundamental analysis studies a company’s financials, such as the profit and loss account, balance sheet, and cash flow statement. These statements provide important information about the company’s assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses, and cash flows. You can use it to assess the company’s profitability and overall financial stability.

Apart from these financial statements, fundamental analysis can also be done using other key metrics, such as financial ratios. These ratios include profitability ratios (e.g., return on equity, profit margin), liquidity ratios (e.g., current ratio, quick ratio), leverage ratios (e.g., debt-to-equity ratio), and valuation ratios (e.g., price-to-earnings ratio, price-to-book ratio). These ratios help you to determine how efficiently the company is operating, how well it is managing its debts, and how its stock price compares to its earnings or book value.

Fundamental analysis also considers qualitative factors, such as the company’s competitive position, market share, industry trends, regulatory environment, and the quality of its management team. This information helps you to assess the company’s long-term prospects and competitive advantages.

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Technical Analysis Meaning

Technical analysis is a way to find out buying and selling points of securities by studying historical price and volume data, patterns, and various technical indicators. It focuses on the assumption that historical price movements and patterns can provide insights into future price movements. You can use charts, graphs, and other tools to find out support and resistance levels, trends and other patterns to predict future price changes.

You can identify repeating patterns and trends in the market by analyzing historical price data. Also, you can use technical indicators such as Relative Strength Index (RSI), Fibonacci retracement, MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence), Bollinger bands, etc., which are mathematical calculations based on price and volume data, to generate signals or identify potential entry and exit points for trades.

 It is often used by short-term traders and investors who seek to profit from short-term price fluctuations in the market.

Fundamental Analysis Vs Technical Analysis

The primary difference between fundamental analysis and technical analysis is that fundamental analysis is the study of a company’s financial statements, financial ratios, management, macroeconomic indicators to determine a security’s real value. On the other hand, technical analysis focuses on studying chart patterns, price, volume, and other market indicators to make trading decisions.

Factors Fundamental analysis Technical analysis 
FocusCompany fundamentals, financial statements, management, etcPrice and volume data, chart patterns, technical indicators 
PurposeDetermine intrinsic value, long-term investmentIdentify short-term trading opportunities,
Investment horizonLong-termShort-term
Source of dataAnnual reports, financial statements, etcCharts and trends 
Time frameMay use company data from over a span of several yearsReviews stock charts and data from the past few months, weeks, or days.
Function Useful for long-term investment in securities Useful for trading in securities 
Impact of news Less impact High impact 
Decision MakingBased on the company’s fundamentals and future growth Based on candlestick and chart patterns, technical indicators
Goal To grow wealth over the long term To earn short-term profit 
Risk Less risk High risk 

Fundamental Analysis Vs Technical Analysis – Primary Focus 

Fundamental analysis focuses on company fundamentals, financial statements, management, industry trends, and economic conditions. On the contrary, technical analysis focuses on price and volume data, chart patterns, and technical indicators to identify short-term trading opportunities.

Fundamental Analysis Vs Technical Analysis – Investment Horizon

Fundamental analysis is used for long-term investment in a company’s stock. Technical analysis is used to identify short-term trading opportunities by analyzing price patterns and trends.

Fundamental Analysis Vs Technical Analysis – Source of Data

Fundamental analysis relies on sources such as annual reports, financial statements, news releases, and other company-specific information. In contrast, technical analysis primarily relies on charts and trends derived from historical price and volume data.

Fundamental Analysis Vs Technical Analysis – Function

Fundamental analysis is more commonly used for long-term investment in securities. It seeks to grow wealth over time by investing in good fundamentals stocks. On the other hand, technical analysis is more suitable for trading in securities. It aims to identify short-term price movements and take advantage of them for profit.

Fundamental Analysis Vs Technical Analysis – Impact of News

Short-term news events less impact fundamental analysis as it focuses on assessing a company’s long-term prospects. In contrast, technical analysis is more sensitive to short-term news events as it aims to identify and capitalize on short-term price movements that may result from such events.

Fundamental Analysis Vs Technical Analysis – Decision Making

Fundamental analysis relies on analyzing a company’s fundamentals, future growth prospects, and other qualitative and quantitative factors to make investment decisions. It seeks to identify undervalued or overvalued securities based on their intrinsic value. In contrast, technical analysis makes decisions based on analyzing candlestick and chart patterns, technical indicators, and other price-related factors to identify short-term trading opportunities.

Fundamental Analysis Vs Technical Analysis – Goal

Fundamental analysis aims to grow wealth over the long term by identifying undervalued securities and investing in companies with solid fundamentals and growth potential. It focuses on capital appreciation and long-term returns. Technical analysis aims to profit by capitalizing on short-term price movements and trends. It aims to generate shorter-term trading profits.

Fundamental Analysis Vs Technical Analysis – Risk

Fundamental analysis is generally associated with lower risk, assessing a company’s fundamentals and long-term prospects. On the other hand, technical analysis is associated with higher risk as it relies on short-term price movements and trends, which can be volatile and subject to sudden changes. Short-term trading carries higher risks compared to long-term investment strategies.

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Fundamental Analysis Vs Technical Analysis – Quick Summary

  • The key difference between fundamental analysis and technical analysis is that fundamental analysis focuses on assessing a company’s intrinsic value by analyzing company fundamentals, financial statements, management, and industry trends. Technical analysis, on the other hand, focuses on price and volume data, chart patterns, and technical indicators to identify short-term trading opportunities.
  • Fundamental analysis studies a company’s finances, such as annual reports, past performance, management, and future prospects. The study is done to invest for the long term in a company.
  • Technical analysis studies candlestick and chart patterns, using technical indicators to determine a security’s buying and selling points. It is done to make a quick profit from the price movement. 
  • Fundamental analysis takes a longer-term perspective and may consider company data over several years, whereas technical analysis focuses on shorter-term price movements and trends.
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Difference Between Fundamental Analysis And Technical Analysis  – FAQs 

1. Fundamental Analysis And Technical Analysis Difference

The key difference between fundamental analysis and technical analysis is that fundamental analysis is used by long-term investors interested in a company’s fundamental value. On the other hand, Technical analysis is used by short-term traders who focus on the near-term price movements of a security.

2. What is an example of technical analysis?

Technical analysts utilize various indicators to forecast future price movements by examining past data. Some commonly employed technical indicators include the moving average convergence divergence (MACD), Relative Strength Index (RSI), Money Flow Index (MFI), stochastics, and Bollinger Bands.

3. Is fundamental analysis needed for intraday trading?

Fundamental analysis is not suitable for day trading in the market as it is primarily used for investing with a medium to long-term perspective. Intraday traders should avoid using this method in their trading strategies; instead, they can use technical analysis.

4. Can I use both technical and fundamental analysis?

Fundamental analysis and technical analysis are distinct approaches to investing in stocks. However, by integrating fundamental and technical analysis, you can better understand the market and make more informed decisions.

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