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Code of Conduct for Alice Blue Business Partners

Dear Partner,

Greetings from Alice Blue.

We value our partnership and the trust you have placed in us. It is important to maintain
professionalism, integrity, and compliance with our policies.

Please note that any of the following actions will result in the immediate termination of our partnership:

  1. Non-compliance to the Exchange’s policies
  2. Unauthorized trades in clients’ accounts.
  3. Misuse of clients’ funds.
  4. Non-compliance with Alice Blue’s policies.
  5. Intolerant behavior towards anyone, including clients, partners, or employees of Alice Blue.
  6. No cash dealing.
  7. Portfolio Management and advisory services are strictly prohibited
    To learn more about the do’s and don’ts, click here

We expect all partners to adhere to these terms to maintain a healthy and successful partnership.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at [email protected].