- Step 1: Visit our Website and click on login on the top right corner of the page.
- Step 2: Click on “Backoffice BOT” from the drop-down menu. You will be redirected to a new page.
- Step 3: Log in with your credentials.
- Step 4: Once you logged in, click on “Portfolio” → “Holding” → “Unpledge”
- Step 5: Tick the scrip which you would like to “Unpledge.” Then click on “Unpledge” in the right side corner of the page.
- Step 6: Then click on submit and follow the steps to proceed further.
Points to be Noted:
- Please note that unpledged requests will be processed at the end of the day (EOD) after the market has closed on working days.
- It is important to understand that unpledged requests will not be processed during live market hours. Kindly make a note while submitting any unpledged requests.