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Vinayak Hagargi

Vinayak is a passionate financial markets enthusiast with 4+ years of experience. He has curated over 100 articles simplifying complex financial concepts. He has a unique ability to break down financial jargon into digestible chunks. Vinayak aims to empower newbies with relatable, easy-to-understand content. His ultimate goal is to provide content that resonates with their needs and aspirations.

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NPS vs Mutual Fund

NPS vs Mutual Fund

The main difference between NPS or National Pension Scheme and a Mutual fund is that NPS aims to save funds of an employ…
Types Of SIP

Types Of SIP

There are mainly 7 types of SIP: Regular SIP, Top-up SIP, Flexible SIP, Perpetual SIP, Trigger SIP, SIP with Insurance, …
ETF vs Mutual Fund

ETF vs Mutual Fund

The key difference between ETFs and mutual funds is that mutual funds pool money from investors to invest in securities …
Difference between SIP and Mutual Fund

Difference between SIP and Mutual Fund

The main difference between SIP and Mutual Fund is that SIP is a way to invest in mutual funds and it allows you to inve…
SIP Benefits

SIP Benefits

Cost-effective: SIPs have lower investment thresholds and do not charge any entry or exit loads, making them a cost-effe…
What is Contra Fund?

What is Contra Fund?

Contra funds invest in stocks that are not performing well for the past few years. For example, the IT sector may not be…
What are Multi Cap Mutual Funds?

What are Multi Cap Mutual Funds?

Multi Cap Mutual Funds are equity mutual funds that invest in a diversified portfolio of stocks across companies of diff…
What are Small Cap Funds?

What are Small Cap Funds?

Small cap mutual funds are investment options that focus on investing in the stocks of companies with small market capit…

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